
Here is a mini collection of photos that showcased some of my passions, be that pine needle basket making, seed beading peyote stitch, photography, gardening, collecting succulents or Bruce Cockburn.

Many of these mini-galleries existed on other websites and in other ‘gallery’ software. I am bringing them all together here now in a simple format so I don’t lose them. Maybe one day I will put together, yet again, another gallery software for better display and commenting and such. For now, these are here for the memories.

Each section will lead to a new page with just those photos.




I love succulents and for many years collected them. They survived fairly well while we live in town, although they needed to be covered with shade cloth in the heat. Unfortunately, the extremes of wet cold and hot sun out here in the hills eventually took most of them.

Beads & Baskets

Peyote Tube Beaded Necklaces and Baskets by bobbi

Beads and Baskets

I wanted to have a place where these images could be viewed. I no longer make the pineneedle baskets, due to tendinitis, so these may be my final ones. 🙁 I still make necklaces for myself (rarely these days) and whenever someone wants a specially made one.

Still, most of these baskets and necklaces are gone now…so this is really the only way to appreciate them and the work that went into making them. I hope you enjoy the journey as well.




In 2003 I got my Canon G3 digital camera, top of the line at that time, and produces wonderful pictures. These photos are a few flower shots mostly taken with the macro lens.

AGAVE 2004

Agave flower buds

Agave Flowering Starts - 23 June 2004

2004 seemed to be the year that many of the local Century Plants or Agave started to bloom. These giants rosettes were one of my favorite plants and I loved seeing them every day. Once they bloom, sending up the huge flowering stalk, they die. I took several photos of the process to document the end of their lives.

Dragonfly 2004

Dragonfly - 2004 - photo bobbi wisby

Dragonfly - 2004

One very hot day in June 2004, this dragonfly posed for me for over an hour. It was quite fun getting up close and personal with it.
